Nosey Giraffe Checking on You

I was feeling a little nosey, so I thought I would look in on you and see if you are sitting at your computer...
Yup, there you are!
Have a Great Day!
I was feeling a little nosey, so I thought I would look in on you and see if you are sitting at your computer...
Yup, there you are!
Have a Great Day!
About once a week I have this issue with Synergy where it will capitalize all the characters and start automatically holding downing the Ctrl key on the client machine. I tried to changing the settings in the options, but I still had the problem. Oddly enough a co-worker had the same problem who found an "elegant solution" to this problem.
Just press Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the server machine and then close the Task Manager (or hit cancel if you're logged in). For some odd reason this seems to fix the problem every time.
Now two dogs can clean your screen even faster than one.
Or checkout the original screen cleaning pug.
Here\'s the follow-up article on how to easily get file sizes nicely formated. Below is a quick function that will display the file size in KB, MB, or GB all easily accessed through a function.
function formatbytes($file, $type) { switch($type){ case \"KB\": $filesize = filesize($file) * .0009765625; // bytes to KB break; case \"MB\": $filesize = (filesize($file) * .0009765625) * .0009765625; // bytes to MB break; case \"GB\": $filesize = ((filesize($file) * .0009765625) * .0009765625) * .0009765625; // bytes to GB break; } if($filesize <= 0){ return $filesize = \'unknown file size\';} else{return round($filesize, 2).\' \'.$type;} }
// USAGE - would display the file size in MB echo formatbytes(\"$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]/images/large_picture.jpg\", \"MB\");
Just remember the file location has to be the absolute location on the server. It can not be relative (\'/images/....\')
Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services.
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
The sermon this morning: “Jesus Walks on the Water.” The sermon tonight: “Searching for Jesus.”
Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 PM in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.
You all know and love the pug cleaning your screen, but here’s one for the people who loves the cats.
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