Dog Screen Cleaner Screensavers – 4 Different Dogs (Win & Mac)

Need your screen cleaned all the time? After much requests from the comment from the original screen cleaning pug, below is a list of screen cleaning dogs that are sure to keep your screen spic and span ... or maybe just spit and span.

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New Five Dollar ($5) Bills with Purple Ink



This month, the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing's newest, securest and yes, purplest $5 bill will hit the streets. George Washington must be green with envy.

View Interactive Tour

Explaining all the differences in the new edition - including watermarks and security threads. (tour source)

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Strip Off Characters from String Using PHP (substr)

First, if you only want to pull on character from a string, it’s a lot easier to use the following:

$str = 'puppy';  
echo $str[0]; // p  
echo $str[1]; // u  
echo $str[2]; // p ...and so on  
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Amazing Nembrotha Kubaryana Sea Slugs

This relatively large species, sometimes growing more than 5 inches long, seems to range in color. Essentially black with green pustules, or green longitudinal ridges, there is a bright orange border to the foot and around the oral lappets. In some specimens the rhinophores and gills have orange markings but in others, these are green. In Western Australia the black background region can have pinkinsh orange spots or elongate marks.

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Shrinking Dogs – Before and After

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Free Screen Cleaning Pug Featured on Diggnation with Kenvin Rose and Alex Albrecht

SWEET! The Free Screen Cleaner article was featured on the Feb. 8th 2008 episode of diggnation.

View full episode or download the WMV file

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Free Screen Cleaner

Is your screen full of dust, smudge marks, maybe even potato chip grease? Clean it today for free!

Start Cleaning now...

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Fade In & Out the Most Recent Pictures in a Directory with jQuery

Dave in Michigan contacted me and wanted to know if it was possible to take the script used from this previous post and only display the last X number of pictures uploaded to a directory.

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We offer three kinds of service

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Synergy 1.3.1 – WARNING: failed to connect to server: Time Out

I've been using Synergy for just over 3 months now and simply love it. I use to use a KVM but found the image quality to be really bad when using it.

For anyone whose been having the error'WARNING: failed to connect to server: Time Out'. Try changing the connect to name on the client machine to the IP of the server. For some reason my Windows PC name was not working but the IP connected instantly.

You may even want to manually set your IP to always be that number so it will never change when the DHTP tried to issue a new one.

Hope this helps some one else out there.

Update: If you're using a VPN and your connection to the server machine gets dropped, you must disconnect from the VPN in order to reconnect. This was causing some headackes for me a while back.

Also, if you're having trouble with Synergy capitalizing characters or holding down the Ctrl key, this post should help you out.

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